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  • Valentine Bauer

The first of winter

Winter is upon us, Monday it was -11°C and It snowed last Friday which means that I will no longer be able to go down to the river to track Macroinvertebrates. So to keep up productivity I have been teaching myself how to use the Arduino IDE and C++. this has been extremely frustrating but I feel like I am really starting to get the ropes. I have successfully wrote my own program to measure temperature through my DS18B20 probe however since the Mayfly data logger is not a traditional Arduino Uno I cant find any wiring diagrams for the probe and mayfly. This has been by far the most frustrating part of my experience, hopefully in the next week I will be able to find the right wiring. After that I will move on to getting my PH probe working.

Here is a video of a stonefly to keep you warm and fuzzy

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